Energises your food & water

Water and food rejuvenation plates


Enhances the energetic qualities of liquids and food.

The Water & Food Rejuvenation Plates are designed to infuse a negative charge to energise liquids and food and also dissolve any residual energy to improve frequency, taste and hydration qualities.

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The Water & Food Rejuvenation Plates are designed to infuse a negative charge to energise liquids and food to improve their frequency, taste and hydration qualities.

The Rejuvenation Plates also dissolve residual energy from fruit and vegetables grown in radioactive geological matter (Earth Radiation) such as uranium and coal, of which either or both may be present in the soil.

On a physical level, the surface tension of a liquid placed on a Rejuvenation Plate is lowered, thus enabling better hydration qualities for the human body and may improve cell hydration. Orgone charged water tastes softer and slightly sweeter and is noticeable by the energised feeling in your stomach. The water has energetic qualities like mountain spring water straight from the stream.

The energetic qualities of distilled water, before (left) being placed on the rejuvenation plate and after (right).

Independent water testing was conducted in Switzerland (performed by Dr Emoto’s method) showing the energetic qualities of distilled water (dead water) before being placed on the Water Rejuvenation Plate (left) and then after (right), showing how the Rejuvenation Plate returns the water to its more natural state.

There are endless uses for the Food & Water Rejuvenation Plates: –

  • All fruits, Vegetables and Liquids
  • Shampoos, Conditioners, Toothpaste, Face & Body lotions improve their effectiveness after being charged and the residual energies have been removed.
  • Vases of flowers tend to last much longer after being placed on a plate.
  • Energising Crystals.  Crystals that have accumulated a lower resonance and need cleansing are re-balanced, so much so, that we have found that crystals that have been energised and cleared by the Rejuvenation Plates tend to stay clearer for a greater than usual period. We have many crystal dealers incorporate the Rejuvenation Plate into their quality systems to ensure that their customers receive crystals in peak energetic condition.
  • Essential Oils – By placing an oil burner or diffuser on the Rejuvenation Plate, the aromatic resonance of the oil is amplified up to 6 meters allowing you to receive greater pleasure from your essential oils. Without the Rejuvenation Plate, the aromatic resonance would only extend as far as 1m from the burner.
  • Tonics, Ciders, Herbal Tinctures, Liquid Nutritional Supplements
  • Medication and other pharmaceutical products
  • Fresh or bottled Juices, Wine, Beer, Soups
  • Fresh Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Kefir, Yogurt, Oils
  • Place under an electric kettle
  • Use as a dinner place mat
  • Pack a plate to use while on holidays
  • Keep in the fridge to keep food fresher for longer
  • Place under pot plants

rejuvenation plate waterTo use the Rejuvenation Plate:  Simply place the plate directly under fruit and vegetables or under a container holding liquids and food, and leave for one minute to charge.

Plate sizes:
Large – 160mm diameter
Small – 100 mm diameter

How long does it take for liquids and food to be energetically charged on the plate?

After a minute, whatever you have placed on the plate should be sufficiently energised.

Will the plates withstand high temperatures?

No, it will not. It is safe to put a plate of hot served food or a mug of boiled coffee for example, but not a pot straight off the cook top.

Is it best to place vegetables on the plate before cooking or place the bowl or plate of food on the disk after cooking?

If you have a Geoclense Home Harmoniser plugged in the house, we recommend that you put the vegetables on a plate before cooking. This is because the Geoclense will neutralise gas and electric frequencies during the cooking process which may dominate the vegetables with an undesirable positive charge. If you do not have a Geoclense Home Harmonizer plugged in, we suggest that you cook the food and then place it on the Rejuvenation Plate. This is because, without the Geoclense, the electric and gas cooktops and ovens do have an ability to lower the frequency of food as it is being cooked.

Does a particular colored plate work best for certain things, or do they all offer the same?

We produce a small range of colors to offer choice, however, we’ve experienced interesting changes in parasite behavior in water with the blue rejuvenation plate.

What number or combination of Rejuvenation Plates are recommended for a typical household?

Generally, people like to have at least 5 large plates for food preparation and general use and at least 5 small plates for beverages etc.

How do you test the effectiveness of the Rejuvenation Plates?

Because the plate uses harmonising technology, it is very easily tested with the simple use of a pendulum, or if one has a degree of energy sensitivity, they will be able to feel the energy when holding the plate in their hand. Other tools such the Lecher Antenna and the Biotensor will also demonstrate the effectiveness of the plate.

Dr Emoto's method of water photography

Independent water testing was conducted in Switzerland (performed by Dr. Emoto’s method) showing the energetic qualities of distilled water (dead water) before being placed on the Water Rejuvenation Plate (left), and then after (right), showing how the Rejuvenation Plate returns the water to its more natural state.

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